Martes, Disyembre 16, 2014

How to do 5 amazing nlp techniques

1) Remove negative feelings/memories

This is a technique I first watched Richard Bandler doing.

Here's how you do it:

1. Look up a memory or a feeling that you want to get rid of. Perhaps a fear, a phobia of something. Or some ugly memory you want to get rid of.

2. Now close your eyes and play that moment again in your mind. Make it clear as possible. What do you see there? What have you heard there? What did it felt there? What it taste like?

3. Now visualize the moment as a cinema movie and you are playing it in your computer or what not. Now push the button to play it backwards. Where people are walking backwards. Talking weirdly. Speed up the backward playing. More. 2 times. 3 times. 5 times. 10 times.

4. Now add a funny msic into it. Like cartoon music. Looney tunes. Bugs bunny and duffy duck. Or tom and jerry funnily chasing one another. Or perhaps old funny music. Like the ones they play in the 3 stooges.

Too too too toot too toot toot

By now that memory have been turned in around :) If not try to repeat the proces 2 to 3 times. If it does not work awesome then there's plenty of NLP techniques out there for everyone.

Here's Richard Bandler showing a preview of using this technique to cure a phobia:

Here is David Key demonstrating it with more detail. That watching it will help you follow through the process and do the same to yourself:

Here's Christopher Paul Jones demonstrating:

2) The Swish Pattern

Another cool NLP technique is the Swish pattern where you associate something you want to remove or change with something you want yourself to turn into.

Here is an awesome video by NLP and Hypnosis training New York about it:

Then here's Matt Brauning helping someone to put a trigger to not push the snooze button:

The great British TV magician personality Derren Brown demostrating:

3) Reframing

Can be used to transform our focus from the negative ideas to the more positive ones.

Here's an amazingly useful video by Eleanor Shakiba with 3 or more actionable techniques:

Here's another one from Dynamic Mind Works that turns a situation that can be a cause of worry and anger to something that can be a source of saving money and laughter:

4) Well-formed outcomes

Forming outcomes is a big part of our lives. And doing it under the model that NLP provides us makes us more ikely to follow through and succeed in reaching our goals and living a richer life.

Tony stating the importance of stating goals in a positive way and it's importance and more:

Jimmy Petruzzi demonstrating helping a client out in forming a well-formed outcome:

The importance of having a direction by Dr/ Wayne Buckhanan:

5) State Management

Is about getting to the best state that will get you the best results. It's about having that winning feeling. That good time feeling.

That feeling of being so sure of yourself.

It's also about how to hold your center when you are disturbed by small things like the phone ringing to emergencies.

Here is a video by Heather Bond explaining it:

Here Rob Ballentine how going down to specifics and details can help break down fears. And on how to dea with interruptions like the telephone call he had in the video:

Wonderfully relatable video by Neoway Academy on State Management with the use of music:

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